
Monday, July 5, 2010

New Toy: iPod Touch

On Wednesday my wife and I will be celebrating our third wedding anniversary. I received an early anniversary gift from my wonderful wife, an iPod touch to replace the iPod nano that I recently lost. I've spent the last few days enjoying my new gadget. Unlike my Nano, the Touch is capable of much more than just playing music.

I'm interested in testing the touch for use in the classroom. I would love to have a set of 8-10 touches for my class, but I think I'll wait until the next generation comes out, hopefully with a built in mic and camera! For now I'll experiment with my single touch, downloading apps and looking for innovative ways to incorporate a single device into the classroom.

I've already received several helpful tips from Derek Braman (@DerekBraman) about podcasting through Posterous and a recommendation for earbuds with a built in mic. My colleague Karen Bosch (@karlyb) has also been doing some neat things with an iPhone in her 5th grade class. I'm going to borrow some of her ideas as well.

If you have an iPod touch or iPhone, I'd be interested in knowing:

1. Your favorite App(s) and how you use them.
2. Classroom applications for the iPod touch.
3. Helpful Resources for using the iPod touch in the classroom (I've already found some great ideas from the Apple Learning Interchange)

Your feedback is appreciated! Stay tuned for future reports and reflections on using the iPod touch in the classroom!

1 comment:

  1. congratulations on the celebration of the third marriage for you:)
    I strongly agree I have both an ipod nano and ipod touch
    but i like the look of the ipod nano ipod touch features even better than the ipod nano, ipod nano but is much more simple and has a unique button design:)
    thax for your sharing:)


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