
Saturday, October 30, 2010

5 Projects to Encourage Classroom Collaboration

Collaboration has been identified as a critical skill for students of the 21st century. The next generation of jobs will be primarily collaborative in nature. Science, engineering, and technology companies are seeking out individuals who can work as part of a team to solve complex problems. 

Teaching students how to collaborate with one another is an important part of the classroom, especially the STEM classroom. Last week I presented at the "Teaching and Learning in the Cloud" conference sponsored by MACUL. I shared five five classroom projects that help foster collaborative skills in students. Each project includes examples and resources. 
How are you teaching your students to collaborate with one another? What tools are you using to foster collaboration? 


  1. hi , i am really lucky to have found this blog it is really what i was looking for , i am an english teacher in Morocco with a very Huge zeal for educational technology . i will be using your blog as a reference to my future wirkshops plus i will include it in my list of links in my educational blog . thanks so much again

  2. Thanks for joining the discussion, Med. I'm glad that my blog has been helpful. You might find Classroom 2.0 useful as well:


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