
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Google Classroom Tips, Tricks, and Hacks

Google Classroom Tips Tricks and Workaround | John R. Sowash |
Since its release at the beginning of the 2014-15 school year, Google Classroom has demonstrated tremendous potential to help teachers and students communicate, collaborate, and create together. Classroom has significantly simplified the document creation, sharing, and feedback cycle present in most classrooms.

While Google Classroom is a great tool, there are a few areas that need refinement: multiple teacher access, group projects, peer editing, differentiated projects, content organization and searching, parent access, and more.

Flip through the presentation below to consider how you can resolve the issues above while continuing to use Google Classroom. As new features are announced and options are added I will update the presentation with new workaround solutions.

If you have developed your own workaround for these, or any other issues, please leave a comment and share your solution!

New to Google Classroom? Check out my post on setting up Google Classroom or 5 Google Classroom mistakes to avoid!

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