
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Search for the Killer App

Everywhere I turn people are recommending and looking for the "killer app" that will make their mobile device more productive, fun, useful, and efficient.

Educators are also looking for the "killer app" that will enable their students to communicate, collaborate, and connect with one another

The search for the "killer app" is like a debate over the greatest athlete or movie; it will always continue, but without any consensus.

At last week's MACUL conference I appreciated this advice from Steve Dembo:
"Instead of looking for the killer app, educators should be asking, what do we want our students be be able to do with their mobile devices. Once you answer that question, you'll know what apps you're looking for." 
Here's my short list of things students should be able to do with their mobile devices:

  1. Communicate with their teachers. 
  2. Collaborate with other students.
  3. Create things to demonstrate their learning. 
  4. Find information
There are a lot of apps that enable these activities. Now that I've got my end goal in mind, I can begin selecting the apps that will best meet these needs. 

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