The Electric Educator: Wii Board

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wii Board

This year, one of my primary projects has been the creation of the Wii smartboard first created by Johnny Lee Chung. This technology allows teachers to create a smartboard for a fraction of the cost of a commercial product such as the ones sold by Smart.

First, I readily admit that the Wiiboard is not for everyone. Although it costs only a fraction of what a commercial smartboard would cost, it requires a lot of fiddling and trial and error. The software is buggy at times (although it is improving), and students require some training before they can successfully use the board. 

I submitted a proposal to the Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL) to present my experience and knowledge at their yearly conference. The proposal was accepted and I will be presenting at Cobo Hall in Detroit in mid-March. In a sense, this blog will present a snapshot of my presentation.

Stay tuned for more on creating your own wii smartboard!

1 comment:

  1. Any update yet on what is needed for this to work? Please email
    - Mystie


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