
Monday, January 31, 2011

5 people to follow in 2011

Note: This is the third part my series "5 things to watch in 2011" Future installments will include: 
Here's who I'm paying attention to in 2011. 

Adrianna Stone is a High School science teacher in Houston, Texas. I attended her session on "Engaging a Gaggle of Googlers" at the Virtual School Symposium in Glendale, Arizona this past November. Her enthusiasm for teaching and innovative integration of technology in the classroom make her one to keep your eye on. You can follow her on twitter or read her blog.

Nick Provenzano is a high school English teacher in Michigan. He has been working on a really cool idea in his classroom his is calling the "blogger cafe" (check out the pictures of his classroom, you'll be jealous!). Since the inception of this idea Nick has really started networking with educators from around the globe. Nick is the organizer of #edcampdetroit which I will be attending in May.

Peter Webber is the IT director at Southfield Christian School where I teach. Peter was hired full time last year and has accomplished more since his first day than in several previous years. Not only does he have great technical knowledge, he's also easy to talk to and nice to "non-geeks." Peter is helping develop a technology initiative next year that I am really excited about (but not allowed to share!). Peter isn't afraid to try out new things and is willing to adapt on the fly, two things that I really appreciate about him! Follow him on Twitter!

Daniel Rezac is a prolific contributor to the educational community. As a tech coordinator outside of Chicago he has lots of experience and insight into the implementation of technology into classrooms. He posts his thoughts on his personal blog, on the the District30 technology blog, his Tech&Learning blog, and, his new venture, EdReach. Make sure you check out the EdReach site. I'm happy to be a contributor, helping to give education a BIG voice.

Tom Barrett is deputy head teacher at a primary school in Nottingham, England. Tom's passion for education and the integration of technology has led to some amazing accomplishments. I would highly recommend Tom's "Interesting Ways" series in which he has collected scores of ideas for integrating various technologies into the classroom. Tom frequently Tweets out great links and resources and is definitely worth the follow!

Easily follow these five individuals:
Who are you following in 2011?

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