The Electric Educator: The Chromebook Institute

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Chromebook Institute

The Google Chrome platform has exploded in the last two years. Chromebooks went from being a cute gimmick to a platform gaining momentum at a rate that is making even Microsoft take notice.

In Michigan, 40% of expected educational device purchases in 2014 will be Chromebooks [source]. The same is likely true around the country. As the Chrome platform becomes increasingly common in classroom settings, the need for quality professional development will also increase.

Educator Ryan Bretag and a team of others saw the need for focused PD related the Chrome platform and have launched the Chromebook Institute, a multi-day conference focused entirely on the Chrome ecostystem.
The inaugural Chromebook Institute will take place in Downers Grove, IL Jun 16-18. Additional events across the country are being considered. More details available at

I will be facilitating a 1-day Google Certification Academy during the precon portion of the conference.

Got Chromebooks? Need to get up to speed quickly? You might want to schedule a trip to the greater Chicago area this summer!

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